Women In Tea

It’s still Women’s History Month! Today we’re looking at the roles women play in tea. The history of tea production is heavily intertwined with women. Unfortunately women in the tea industry have rarely been recognized, especially the women of color who have produced tea for centuries. 

The role of women in tea growing varies depending on the region and culture in which it is grown. In some countries, they play a significant role in all aspects of tea cultivation, from planting and harvesting to processing and marketing. In other areas, women may be involved in certain tasks, such as plucking tea leaves, but are excluded from other aspects of the industry. In general, they are involved in tasks such as plucking, pruning, and weeding tea bushes, as well as processing and packaging tea leaves. As you can see, it takes women to grow and produce great tea!

Plucking Leaves 

In many tea-growing regions, women are responsible for plucking the tea leaves. This is a labor-intensive process that requires skill and experience. Only the topmost leaves and buds are harvested for the highest quality tea. Women are often preferred for this task. This is often because they are believed to have more delicate hands and greater attention to detail. 

Women Plucking Tea in Vietnam
Women Plucking Tea in Vietnam

Rooting, Pruning and Weeding 

Women may also be involved in other aspects of tea cultivation. From the start, they may be involved in preparing the soil for planting, as well as planting and caring for young tea plants. As you can see below, planting is very labor intensive. Tea cultivators spend tons of time and energy caring for their young plants to produce the best leaves. Tea cultivation also includes pruning and weeding tea bushes. These tasks require physical strength and endurance – a prime example of how a woman can do the same work as any man. The cultivator must also have knowledge of the plant’s growth patterns and needs. Even pruning the plants requires care to ensure the best tea.

Women Rooting Beds Kumaon India
WomAn Rooting Beds Kumaon India
Woman Watering Tea Nursery in Kumaon India
Women Watering Tea Nursery in Kumaon India

Processing Leaves 

In addition to harvesting tea leaves, women may also be involved in the processing of tea. This can include tasks such as withering, rolling, and drying the leaves. They often also help with sorting and packaging the finished tea. This may be because of the beliefs about their superior attention to detail and delicate hands. Women may also be involved in the marketing and distribution of tea. Women are often more involved particularly if they are part of a small-scale tea farming operation. Recently, there are many more Woman Owned tea businesses as well.

Drying Leaves in Xishuangbanna
Woman Drying Leaves in Xishuangbanna

Women’s Challenges  

Despite the important role that women play in tea growing, they are often marginalized and face significant challenges. In many regions, women have limited access to education and resources. This can make it difficult for then to participate fully in the tea industry. Women may also face discrimination and unequal treatment, particularly in areas where tea cultivation is dominated by men. 

Read more statistics at the Ethical Tea Partnership

Efforts are underway to address these issues and promote greater gender equity in the tea industry. This includes initiatives to provide training and education to women in tea-growing communities, as well as programs to support woman owned tea businesses. By empowering women and promoting gender equity, the tea industry can become more sustainable and inclusive. 

Women Owned Tea 

In recent years, we’ve seen more and more woman owned tea companies opening. These companies may focus on various aspects of the tea industry, such as growing, processing, packaging, and selling tea. Woman owned tea companies are becoming increasingly popular, as consumers seek out businesses that prioritize gender equity and support women’s empowerment. There are now many woman owned tea companies around the world. Each has its own unique focus and approach to the industry – including us! Many woman owned tea companies are also committed to promoting gender equity and empowering women in tea-growing communities. By supporting woman-owned tea companies, consumers can help to promote gender equality and sustainability in the tea industry. 

Moody Teas is dedicated to gender equity and empowering women. This includes working with woman owned vendors as often as possible, whether it’s our suppliers, partnerships, or collaborations. It also means supporting other woman owned businesses, and advocating for more funding and resources for women in tea, business, and beyond. We’re still just two people, but when we hire our goal is to hire as diversely as possible, including plenty of women, femmes, and gender non-conforming individuals. Lastly, as we grow and introduce more products and more programming, we’re committed to making women’s rights a key pillar in any fundraising or related programming we may have in the future.  

Overall, women play a crucial role in all aspects of tea growing. From planting and harvesting to processing and marketing, there’s a woman behind the process. Despite the challenges they face, women continue to be an integral part of the tea industry and are essential for its sustainability and growth.  

We’d love to hear from you. Is buying from woman owned businesses important to you? Let us know some of your favorite woman owned brands! 

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