Matcha Mint Juleps – Tipsy Tea Time

Tipsy tea time with Moody Teas is back again, and this week we’re celebrating with these refreshing Matcha Mint Juleps! We love matcha, and in the warm weather you can often find us sipping some iced matcha lattes, but summer weekends call for a drink with a little something extra. In this case, that something extra is bourbon! This recipe is also great for a crowd, since it makes two cocktail and could easily be doubled (or tripled) for double the fun!


  • 2 tsp Matcha
  • ¾ cup (or 6 ounces) cool water
  • ½ cup of mint leaves, plus a few springs if you’d like to add a cute garnish
  • 2 tbs of sugar, we recommend our monkfruit sweetener for healthier option
  • 1-2 tbs fresh lemon juice
  • ½ cup (or 4 ounces) bourbon
  • ice


  1. Add your matcha to a bowl and slowly add in about a tablespoon of water using a whisk – this matcha whisk is perfect! Whisk in the water slowly enough to form a smooth paste. Then add the remaining water and mix.
  2. Place the mint leaves and sugar or sweetener in a jar or pitcher and muddle (aka mash together). The handle of a wooden spoon is perfect for this if you don’t own a muddler (honestly, who does?).
  3. Stir in 1 tbs of lemon juice, followed by the bourbon and finally the matcha.
  4. For best results, strain through a fine mesh sieve, mashing the mint to extract the flavor. If you don’t have a sieve, just be sure your muddled really well to get all the flavors.
  5. Give it a taste, and add more lemon juice if you’d like. Then pour into two glasses over ice, and garnish with mint.
  6. Enjoy your refreshing matcha mint juleps (preferably while grilling with friends for the long weekend this Memorial day)!

Making these this weekend? Let us know in the comments and tag us in all your matcha-filled photos on social!