Hot Take: Detox Teas and Cleanses are a Scam
We’ve all seen them – an ad for a “detox” product that claims to rid your body of toxins, help you lose weight, clear your skin, et cetera. Sound too good to be true? That’s because it is! Keep reading to find out the real tea on these products and why you don’t need detox teas.
What are detox Teas?
Detox products, including teas and cleanses, are dietary supplements or replacements that claim to flush the body of toxins. In this case toxin is a broad term. Different detox products may be geared toward specific toxins, while some may broadly claim to remove all toxins. Some products may also make additional claims about the benefits of detoxing, such as weight loss. Detox products are considered dietary supplements and therefore aren’t regulated by the FDA.

what are these “toxins”?
While there are plenty of substances we ingest that can be harmful at high levels, the reality is that eating well and exercising are more than sufficient to keep these doing any real damage. Various detox products target different types of these toxins, such as pollutants, synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, or even excess salt or sugar.

What’s in a detox Tea?
There are so many “detox” products that use a ton of different ingredients and target different toxins, and because detox products aren’t regulated by the FDA some may actually have dangerous ingredients themselves. Some products contain laxatives, which aren’t inherently dangerous but can be when misused. Recently, some weight loss based “detox” products have even been found to contain drugs or ingredients not found on the packaging. Because these products aren’t regulated by the FDA, they can be dangerous themselves, and their claims and nutrition information aren’t necessarily backed by science.

What About Cleanses?
Cleanses are typically detox products in different format. Cleanses may not always have the same drugs or dietary supplement ingredients as “detox” supplements. For instance, juice cleanses are a common product you may be familiar with. While some cleanses may not have the added drugs or supplements as other detox products, they may still have some risks. Additionally, cleanses may encourage disordered eating habits. Without supplementary food, cleanses don’t contain enough nutrients to healthy sustain you and are typically lacking in calories, proteins, and healthy fats.
What Makes Detox Teas a Scam?
Some of the “toxins” detox products claim to eliminate aren’t actually toxic
Some of these “toxins” occur naturally in our bodies, others come from external sources, like our food or pollution. Many of these substances aren’t inherently toxic, and are only harmful in excess. Others aren’t toxic at all! Detox products target and vilify perceived “toxins” to sell products. In reality, many of these toxins either aren’t toxic, or aren’t harmful in the amounts present in our bodies. Plus, the best way to avoid ingesting anything is to be mindful of the foods we eat, not by using a “detox” product.
Detox Teas aren’t Necessary!
Our bodies are already equipped with tools to remove “toxins,” thanks to our liver and kidneys. If you do consume toxins that could harm you, never fear! Your liver’s purpose is to filter your blood and remove those toxins from your system. Detox products claim to do a job that your body already does on it’s own!
They can be ineffective at best
Detox products make a lot of claims, a popular one being weight loss. In order to show results, some weight loss cleanses use laxatives, diuretics, chemicals like ephedra, or excessive amounts of caffeine to help you “loose weight”. Laxatives and diuretics may push foods and liquids out of your system. However, any weight you loose will likely come back once you stop using the product. Chemicals like caffeine and ephedra may temporarily boost your metabolism and curb your appetite, but you’re similarly likely to regain the weight once you resume your normal diet.
And Dangerous at Worst!
Detox products and cleanses aren’t regulated for safety, so they can contain ingredients that are either harmful or could cause negative side effects. For instance, detox teas sometimes contain abnormally high doses of caffeine, which can result in serious cardiovascular issues. Excessive laxatives or diuretics can cause severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Detox products can also have negative interactions with any medications or supplements you’re already taking. And without FDA regulation, the product info may not disclose all relevant info and warnings.
They’re a waste of money!
Detox products are ineffective and even dangerous, so they’re definitely not worth your money. Frankly, we think they make real tea look bad, and we’re not going to jump on the marketing bandwagon in the name of sales. There are plenty of teas that support a healthy lifestyle, but detox teas aren’t included. Don’t spend your hard earned money on something that won’t work!
Don’t Fall For It!
Some other well known tea brands have been hopping on the detox trend, and we’re not here for it. Big tea retailers are offering their own takes on detox blends and tea cleanses, but don’t be fooled! These are just a marketing ploy to make sales on the back of toxic diet culture.

- David’s Tea offers a couple detox blends, including Morning Detox, David’s Detox, The Skinny, or Lemon Cayenne Cleanse. They also offer a “tea cleanse” that comes with 20 tea bags (ugh) of 5 “detox and digestion” teas.
- Twining’s sells two adaptogen teas: Detox and Metabolism.
- Numi Organics sells Dandelion Detox.
- Adagio offers Skinny Tea and Tea-tox.
- Tiesta Tea has an entire category of products called Slenderizer. This includes blends like Citrus Detox, Lean Green Machine, or Peaches and Green. They also offer sampler kits like the Slenderizer and Detox Dry Flights.

These blends are misleading. They don’t “detox” or “cleanse” your body, and they won’t cause weight lose without a healthy diet and exercise. These blends are marketed towards the “detox” market for profit, perpetuated by the real toxins – diet culture and fat-phobia. There’s no magical tea to make you loose weight or stay perfectly healthy.
So Is Tea Healthy?
Tea is great for supporting a healthy lifestyle. High quality teas are all natural, low to no calories, no artificial ingredients or added sugars, and come in tons of flavorful options. They can even have ingredients that aid certain symptoms or ailments or strengthen your immune system! Tea is a great replacement for other, less healthy beverages. It’s also a great way to stay hydrated with something that tastes delicious. However, it’s not a magic solution – tea is a part of a healthy lifestyle, not a replacement for one. Any brand that implies otherwise just wants to make money.